Presented below are the most frequent terms in Productive and their explanations.
Admin (permission set)
Admin is the highest permission set after the owner. Admins can manage everything, including cost rates and general organization-level settings.
Useful links: Changing permissions
Used in: Settings - Users
AGI (adjusted gross income) is the gross invoicing (per client, project, time period) minus the client-related expenses. Please check the reports library for several useful AGI reports.
Example: We have invoiced $1000 to a client for a budget. All of our associated costs for this budget (time tracked, expenses..) amount to $300 Our AGI for this budget is $700.
Useful links: /
Used in: Reports
Productive AI uses OpenAI's machine learning models to modify, translate, simplify, and analyze data, helping teams work more efficiently.
Useful links: Productive AI
Used in: Docs, Filters, Deals, Tasks, Expenses
An allocation in Productive refers to the number of free days granted per the various time-off categories.
Example: An employee has started working in your organization. They have 20 days of vacation—this is their allocation.
Useful links: Adding time-off allocations to the team
Used in: Employees, Contractors
API is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. Access data is available via the settings, and documentation is available separately.
Useful links: API access, Documentation
Used in: Settings
Approval (expense, billable time, time off)
Approvals are flows used to approve three sorts of entries: billable time, expenses and time off. Using the approval system, entries only become official after they are approved by the responsible person.
Useful links: Time entry approval, Expense approval, Time off approval
Used in: Approvals
An assignee is the person in charge of carrying out the activities specified on a task. Assignees are specified separately on tasks, subtasks and to-dos.
Useful links: Multiple assignees
Used in: Tasks
Automatic time tracking (auto-tracking)
Automatic time tracking is an option that allows time to be logged against scheduled services without their assignees having to manually track it.
Useful links: Automatic time tracking
Used in: Resource Planner
If you frequently repeat tasks like creating new tasks or sending notifications after key events, automate them with Productive’s Automations. This saves time and lets you focus on important business activities that drive growth.
Useful links: Automations
Used in: Tasks, Deals, Budgets, Invoices
The amount of time a person is available to work on projects. Calculated as Capacity (cost rate) minus time booked on time off (vacation, sick leave...).
Example: An employee's weekly capacity is 40 hours—8 hours for 5 days. However, they have taken a vacation for two of these days. Their availability is thus 8 hours for 3 days—24 hours.
Useful links: Capacity vs. Availability
Used in: Resource Planner
New Productive features that are not yet available to all Productive users are Beta features. Contact the Productive team to sign up for the beta program!
Useful links: Beta program
Used in: Settings
Billable rate
Billable rate is the rate billed to the client for an hour of work on a certain budget or service.
Example: We have a budget with a service that we will be charging $100 per hour of work done. The $100 is our billable rate.
Useful links: /
Used in: Budget
Billable time
Billable time is the amount of time spent on a task or budget that will get invoiced to the client. Different to worked time, as worked time may contain time that will not be invoiced to the client. May include both Time and materials and Fixed service types.
Example: An employee has worked 8 hours towards a service. However, we have decided to charge the client for only 3 of those hours, as the other 5 hours were spent researching the topic. The 3 hours are our billable time, whereas 8 hours is the total worked time.
Useful links: /
Used in: Projects, Budgets
Billing type
Billing type is the pricing model set up on each service on a budget or deal. There are two primary billing types: Time and materials (or hourly pricing) and Fixed.
Useful links: Adding services
Used in: Budgets
Blended rate
The blended rate is the effective hourly rate calculated based on the tracking unit type of a service:
Hours: The blended rate equals the service price per hour.
Days: The blended rate is calculated as Service Price / Person Day Hours to get the hourly rate.
Pieces: The blended rate is 0.
Blended rate is part of the Recognized Revenue formula. Recognized revenue is calculated as: Recognized Revenue = Blended Rate × Recognized Time
Useful links: /
Used in: Reports - Financials
A board is a type of layout available in Tasks, Deals and Budgets, allowing you to organize your tasks in columns and drag-and-drop them around as needed.
Useful links: Board layout
Used in: Projects, Tasks
A budget is the "container" for all of a project's financial data. A budget contains services, amounts, expenses and more, and each project can have multiple budgets assigned to it.
Useful links: Budget
Used in: Budgets
Budgeted time
Budgeted time is the number of hours anticipated within a specific budget to work on all of the services on that budget.
Useful links: /
Used in: Budgets
Capacity is the time a person is available to work on projects, defined primarily by their cost rate.
Useful links: Capacity vs. Availability, Setting up Cost Rates
Used in: Resource Planner
This permission set is made for a person who can communicate with your team on tasks, and also depending on permissions, access time entries, and other info about deals. They may also be referred to as a guest.
Useful links: Understanding roles and permissions
Used in: Settings, Users
A contact is your client (connected to a client company) or a contact you saved.
Used in: Contacts
A permission set usually assigned to a person who sometimes works with your team but is not part of your company, such as a freelancer.
Example: A freelance designer who will work on you only for a few projects, without becoming a permanent employee.
Useful links: Adjusting User Permissions
Used in: Settings, Users
Cost rate
The cost rate is the basic price of work for your employees, or in other words, their salary. The cost rate plus the overhead per hour equals an employee's cost per hour.
Useful links: Setting up cost rates
Used in: Settings, Users
Custom fields
Custom fields are additional data fields that allow you to customize the data on your bookings, budgets, companies, contacts, deals, expenses, invoices, projects, and tasks.
Example: We want to categorize our tasks by their Priority. Therefore, we define a Priority custom field with the options set to High, Medium, and Low.
Useful links: Custom fields
Used in: General
Data import
By using the data import options in Productive, you can quickly import data from other tools (e.g. Harvest, Asana, Trello...).
Useful links: Harvest import, Data import using CSV, Import tasks from CSV
Used in: General
Data source
Data source refers to the source of information when creating a report, e.g. Projects, Deals, Financial items, etc. Creating a report from multiple data sources is currently not supported in Productive.
Useful links: Create a report from scratch
Used in: Reports
A deposit or prepayment is any amount of money received from a client before the related services are provided.
Useful links: Partial invoicing
Used in: Billing
A deal signifies a prospective project for you and a potential source of income. Deals may be turned into projects with their respective budgets.
Useful links: Deal
Used in: Sales
A discount (or markdown) is a deduction from the cost of your service, expressed as a percentage.
Useful links: Adding services to your budgets
Used in: Billing
Docs allow you to maintain and keep extensive documentation on your projects and other points of interest, akin to Google Docs or Confluence.
Useful links: Docs
Used in: Docs, Projects
A draft is an entry that exists in Productive but has not been finalized and as such has not been made official. Drafts are used for task comments and invoices.
Useful links: Commenting on Tasks, Draft Invoice
Used in: Tasks & Billing
In Productive, the "Employees" group refers to your company's employees and any contractors you add, both of whom count as paid seats. You can find the list of your employees under Resourcing > Employees or Settings > Users.
Used in: Resourcing
Estimate at completion
Estimate at completion is the projection of the total time needed to complete a Task. It is the sum of "Time to complete" and "Worked time".
Useful links: Time estimates on tasks
Used in: Tasks
Estimated time
The estimated time required to complete the work in the budget scope. The sum of all estimated times of all line items on the budget.
Useful links: Time estimates on budgets
Used in: Budget
Expenses are all external costs arising due to work on a budget. May be submitted by and tracked against an employee, or against a third party (vendor).
Useful links: Expense entry and approval
Used in: Budget
Fallback represents a secondary option in case the primary option is not available. Used in revenue recognition, it allows for the revenue recognition to revert to another date if the primary date is not available.
Example: We have a budget with a start date of 1 January and no end date. Our revenue recognition is set to "End date with budget date fallback". Since the budget does not have an end date, it defaults to the budget (start) date. Therefore, revenue will be recognized as arising on 1 January.
Useful links: Fixed price revenue recognition
Used in: Budget
Feed is the log of all updates and changes on a specific item in Productive, such as a budget, project or task.
Useful links: /
Used in: General
A field is data related to a certain item in Productive. Fields are shown in the Productive interface and can easiest be manipulated in the Table view. E.g. a Project Manager is a field on a Project.
Useful links: /
Used in: General
Filters are a tool used to limit your search or display to only the required entries, e.g. showing only tasks where you are the assignee.
Useful links: /
Used in: General
Fixed billing type (services)
Fixed billing type services are billing types defined on services in budgets. Services defined as fixed may be charged without time having been tracked against them. Used when prices are agreed as a fixed sum, not based on the actual amount of work invested. See also: Time and materials (services).
Example: We have a budget of $10,000 to create a website for a client. It has not been agreed upon, and the client does not care, how much time we will spend on this project. We will charge the client $10,000 regardless of time spent - this is a fixed-price service.
Useful links: /
Used in: Budgets
Forecasted refers to the sum of current data and future data.
Example: We have a budget that we have worked on for 10 hours. Additionally, we are scheduled to work on it for an additional 20 hours. Our forecasted time is 10 + 20 = 30 hours.
Useful links: /
Used in: General - Budgets - Reports
Gantt layout
Gantt is a type of bar view for visualizing task and project phases.
Useful links: Gantt layout
Used in: Projects - Tasks
The General Data Protection Regulation or the GDPR is a European Union legal instrument ensuring the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
Useful links: Productive GDPR compliance
Used in: /
ID is the unique and unalterable identifier of any item in Productive.
Useful links: The Difference Between an "ID" and a "Number"
Used in: General
Initial estimate
The initial estimate is the initially forecasted amount of time needed to complete a task.
Useful links: Time estimates on tasks
Used in: Tasks
An integration is a procedure that ensures communication between Productive and another tool. These tools include Slack, Google Calendar, Office 365 Calendar, QuickBooks, Xero, Exact, Visma e-conomic, Fortnox, Zapier, Jira, and Personio, with other integrations (Pipedrive, Github, Dropbox...) in the pipeline.
Useful links: App marketplace
Used in: Settings, Personal integrations, Organization integrations
Invoiced amounts are amounts for which an invoice has been created and finalized. (See: Draft).
Useful links: Creating and Managing Invoice Drafts
Used in: Invoicing
Productive is currently only supported in English. Translation to other languages (German, French, Spanish) is in our pipeline. Be sure to let our team know which language would be interesting to you!
Useful links: /
Used in: General
Layout is the configuration of data as presented in Productive. Available layouts are calendar, table, list, board, and timeline.
A library is a premade collection of customizable elements, such as reports or custom fields.
Useful links: Reports library, Task custom fields library
Used in: Reports
Line item
A line item is an individual financial entry on a budget or invoice.
Example: We have created a budget with three services: design, front-end development, and back-end development. Each of these services is a line item on our budget.
Useful links: /
Used in: Budgets
Manager (permission set)
A manager manages projects, budgets, and deals and has access to all deals and their relevant financial information except for costs and profit.
Useful links: Roles and permissions
Used in: Contacts
The margin is the difference between the revenue and cost on a budget, expressed as Profit divided by revenue.
Useful links: /
Used in: Project - Budget
Milestones are used to represent an important moment in a project, an extra important task, the end of a project phase, and the like. This feature is currently in development in Productive. Contact us for more info!
Useful links: Milestones
Used in: Tasks
Open hours
Open hours is the placeholder line item automatically added to each budget, along with open expenses.
Useful links: Open hours
Used in: Budget
Open revenue
The revenue generated by all of a project's open budgets is dependent on their pricing model.
Useful links: What is a budget?
Used in: Project
The organization is your company in Productive. Details about the organization are defined in the settings.
Your organization ID is the unique number of your organization. It can be found either in the web address as the number directly after "". Alternatively, it can be found in Settings > API Integrations.
If you're a member of multiple organizations, hover over your avatar in the upper-right corner and mouse over "Switch Organization" to see a list of all organizations you belong to and switch between them.
Useful links: /
Used in: Settings
In the Resource Planner, an overbooking is any surplus booking beyond the defined capacity for a person.
Useful links: Resolve time off booking conflicts
Used in: Resource Planner
Overhead represents all aff your facility costs, costs for internal projects and other upkeep costs. Overhead is added on top of your employees' cost rates (salaries) when calculating the cost of their work.
Useful links: Overhead cost
Used in: Settings
Overtime is the time worked beyond an employee's listed capacity.
Useful links: Keeping track of overtime
Used in: Time entries
Owner (account)
The account owner has admin permissions but also access to billing, past invoices, and the ability to update billing details or deactivate the account. They can set up and send 2FA recovery codes if needed. Ownership can be transferred to another user.
Useful links: Change the Owner of your Productive Account
Used in: Settings
Parent task
A task that has one or more subtasks is called a parent task.
Useful links: Subtasks
Used in: Tasks
Payment (expenses)
The "Payment due date" and "Payment date" in the expense input screen indicate when the expense was incurred (i.e. when you paid for it or by when it needs to be paid).
Useful links: Expenses
Used in: Expenses, Budgets
Permissions allow users to view, have access to, or change individual elements of Productive, as governed by their permission sets.
Useful links: Understanding roles and permissions
Used in: Settings - Users
Permission set
A permission set is a group of access privileges (permissions) for each user in Productive. The system permission sets include Staff, Coordinator, Manager, Profitability Manager, Admin, Client and Contractor.
You can customize permission sets in the Permission Builder and assign them to users as well.
Useful links: Roles and permissions, Permission Builder
Used in: Users
Piece (billing type)
The piece is a billing type on financial line items (alongside Fixed and Time and materials), used for expenses.
Useful links: Budget editor
Used in: Budget
Placeholders are 'users without access to Productive' used to plan and schedule work for people who are not yet a part of your organization.
Useful links: Placeholders
Used in: Resource Planner
Purchase order number / PO number
The PO number is a unique number assigned to a deal. It will be later automatically transferred to the budget created from this deal.
Useful links: Track PO numbers
Used in: Sales
Probability is the internal estimate for winning a deal. The probability and value of a deal affect its forecasted revenue.
Example: A deal is valued at $10,000. We set its probability to 25%. The deal's forecasted revenue is therefore 10,000 * 0.25 = $2,500.
Useful links: Managing a deal
Used in: Sales
Profit is the revenue generated by a budget or project reduced by the associated costs.
Useful links: What is a budget?
Used in: Budgets
Profitability is the degree to which a budget yields profit, expressed as a percentage of revenue against the associated costs.
Useful links: Forecasting & Profitability
Used in: Budgets
Profitability manager (permission set)
The profitability manager is the permission set that allows managing projects and deals, while also providing insight into their profitability.
Useful links: Profitability manager, Understanding roles & permissions
Used in: Settings - Users
Profitability manager with restricted access (permission set)
A variation on the profitability manager permission set, removing access to private deals and projects they are assigned to.
Useful links: Profitability manager, Understanding roles & permissions
Used in: Settings - users
A project represents a job or undertaking carried out for a client or for your internal needs. A project contains one or more budgets (with relevant financial information) and tasks for collaboration towards the realization of the project.
Useful links: What is a project
Used in: Projects
A pulse is a periodical and customizable email notification with data from Productive's Reports.
Useful links: Pulse
Used in: Reports
A rate is a fixed price paid for something. Rates are used for your employee's salaries (cost rates) and for prices that you charge to your clients (rate cards, or on services).
Useful links: Setting up cost rates, Rate cards
Used in: Budget / Users
Rate card
A rate card is a predefined list of Service prices either for a client company or for your organization. Rate cards can then be used when creating new budgets.
Useful links: Rate cards
Used in: Companies
Recognized profit
Recognized profit is the expected profit of a financial item (e.g. budget). It is calculated as the recognized revenue minus all of the associated costs.
Useful links: /
Used in: Reports, Financial items data source
Recognized revenue
Recognized revenue is the expected revenue of a financial item (e.g. budget) according to the scheduled time, delivered billable time, and generated expenses.
Useful links: Understanding Revenue Recognition
Used in: Reports - Financials
Recognized time
The billable time that is or will be charged to the client. Equal to billable time with Time and materials, but cannot exceed the Quantity with Fixed services.
Also, in budget spending calculations, used as a way to calculate budget consumption.
Useful links: /
Used in: Reports - time entries
Recurring budget
A recurring budget is automatically copied at a certain time, thus creating a new, identical budget. Most frequently used with retainers.
Useful links: Recurring budgets
Used in: Budget
Recycle bin
The place where certain deleted items are stored for a period. Items in the recycle bin can be restored to their original location.
Useful links: Recycle bin
Used in: Settings
Reimbursement (expenses)
If you need to be reimbursed for an expense (e.g., paid from your personal account), mark it as requiring reimbursement. Later, mark it as reimbursed.
Useful links: Expenses
Used in: Expenses, Budgets
Reports help you analyze and make better sense of your data.
Useful links: Reports Library
Used in: Reports
Restricted access (permission set)
Restricted access indicates a variation on an existing permission set, preventing access to projects, budgets, and deals that the person is not assigned to.
Useful links: Roles and permissions
Used in: Contacts
A retainer is an ongoing or recurring contract by which a client pays for certain services as required during a time period. In Productive, retainer projects are handled using recurring projects.
Useful links: Recurring budgets
Used in: Budget
Revenue is the amount of money generated by a specific project, budget or time entry. Note that this does not necessarily mean that this amount has also been invoiced. See: Invoiced.
Useful links: /
Used in: Budgets
Resource Planner
The Resource Planner allows you to make high-level time allocations for your entire team. It focuses on resource allocation and booking people on services, adding a financial aspect to your planning.
Useful links: Resource Planner
Used in: Resource Planner
Scenario Builder
The Scenario Builder allows you to quickly prototype different budget and deal scenarios and evaluate their costs, profitability, and resource needs.
Useful links: Scenario Builder
Used in: Budgets, Deals
Each active employee and contractor registered in Productive takes up one seat, which affects billing. Note that clients are an exception, and they do not take up seats.
Useful links: Add or remove seats
Used in: Settings
The service offered or provided by you to your clients. Each service is defined by its service type, billing type, unit, quantity and price.
Useful links: Adding services
Used in: Budgets/Deals
Service type
Service types are broad categories of services provided by you to your clients. They are set up in Settings - Service types.
Useful links: Service types
Used in: Settings
Staff (permission set)
Staff is an employee with a basic set of permissions, allowing time tracking, collaboration on tasks and requesting time off.
Useful links: Understanding Roles and Permissions in Productive
Used in: Settings - Users
Staff with access to time (permission set)
A variation of the Staff permission set, adding access to time entries and the Resource Planner.
Useful links: Understanding Roles and Permissions in Productive
Used in: Settings - Users
Staff with CRM access (permission set)
A variation of the Staff permission set, allowing access to contacts.
Useful links: Understanding Roles and Permissions in Productive
Used in: Settings - Users
Stage (deal)
A stage (or deal status) is assigned to each deal and is used to monitor and organize deals.
Useful links: Sales pipeline stages
Used in: Deals
Stage type
Stage types represent the various states jobs may be in. We categorize them into two types.
Deals: These indicate prospective work and correspond to the sales pipeline.
Budgets: These indicate active work and correspond to the production pipeline.
Useful links: Sales pipeline, Services on deals and budgets
Statuses are used primarily to organize and monitor tasks within predefined workflows. Also used with invoices (Draft, Unsent, Sent, Paid), budgets (Open vs Delivered), among others.
Useful links: Workflows
Used in: Tasks
Subscribers are notified whenever a change is made to an item in Productive. Items in Productive are tasks, invoices, budgets, projects, or the like.
Useful links: Creating tasks, Managing an Invoice, Managing a budget
Used in: General
A subsidiary is a unique branch of your company, allowing you to invoice your clients from different addresses.
Useful links: Multiple subsidiaries
Used in: Settings
Along with to-dos, subtasks are a method of subdividing tasks in Productive into smaller chunks.
Useful links: Subtasks
Used in: Tasks
Tags are custom attributes in Productive that you can apply to a plethora of items: tasks, people, invoices, and largely replaced by Custom fields.
Useful links: Managing multiple tasks, Custom fields
Used in: General
A task is an item in Productive that allows coworkers to collaborate on their various assignments.
Useful links: Task management
Used in: Tasks
Task dependency
Task dependency indicates an interdependency between two tasks and their status. Dependencies come in two basic types: blocking/waiting and linked. Blocking/waiting indicates that one task cannot be started or completed until another task is completed. Linked simply indicates that the two tasks are somehow related.
Useful links: Task dependency
Used in: Tasks
Task list
Task lists allow for a neat way to organize tasks into groups, following your preferred structure. You can group tasks by milestones, departments, phases, or any other categorization that fits your workflow.
Useful links: Task lists
Used in: Tasks
A template is a sample item (e.g. project, task or deal) used as a shortcut when creating new items with proper data.
Useful links: Project template, Sales template, Task template
Used in: General
Template (document)
A document template is the layout of data on the documents commonly sent to your clients in PDF format. Used for budgets, invoices, and deals.
Useful links: Document templates
Used in: Settings
Time allocation
An allocation is the amount of time provided as part of a booking (time-off or budget). Commonly expressed in days or hours.
Useful links: Holidays and time off settings
Used in: Resource Planner
Time and materials
Time and materials is a billing type defined on services in budgets. These services represent time and expenses, invoiced based on their actual use. If no time or expenses are tracked, nothing will be charged to the client. See also: fixed (services).
Example: A budget contains a service defined as Time and materials, at the price of $100 per hour. Upon budget creation, no amount may be invoiced towards this service. The next day, an employee tracks 8 hours against this service. Upon this time entry being entered (and approved), $800 may be invoiced for this service (8*$100; time multiplied by price).
Useful links: Rate cards, Adding services to a budget
Used in: Budgets
Time entry locking
Time entry locking is an action that prevents creating or changing time entries in an earlier period. May be automatic or manual.
Useful links: Lock time entries
Used in: Time
Time to close
Time to close is the number of days elapsed from opening a deal to winning the deal.
Example: A deal was opened on January 1st, and closed on January 15th. The time to close this deal is 14 days.
Useful links: /
Used in: Deals
Time to complete
Time to complete is the projection of time needed to complete a task. Reduced as time is tracked against the task, or can be adjusted manually.
Example: The initial estimate on a task is 20 hours. After we have tracked 4 hours on this task, the time to complete is reduced to 16 hours.
Useful links: Time estimates on tasks
Used in: Tasks
Time tracking
Time tracking refers to registering the time invested working on an individual service or task in Productive.
Useful links: Tips & tricks
Used in: Time
Time off
Time off refers to periods when users are not required to track time against services within budgets or tasks. Admins can set up various time-off categories and assign them to users, creating time-off allocations for the team (e.g., summer vacation, sick leave, PTO).
Useful links: My time off
Used in: Resource Planner
A to-do is the smallest and simplest version of a task, created either from a task or a subtask.
Useful links: Task to-do
Used in: Tasks
Utilization signifies the ratio between the amount of time a person has worked, and their availability or another type of work. An example is the premade Report Billable Utilization.
Example: An employee has worked 100 billable hours, and 300 non-billable hours. This employee's billable utilization is 25%.
Useful links: Setting up utilization targets
Used in: Reports
Variance at completion
Used in tasks, variance at completion signifies the difference between the Initial estimate and the Estimate at completion. It shows how accurate the Initial estimation was.
Example: The initial estimate on a task is 20 hours. However, 26 hours have been tracked against this task before its completion. The variance at completion is therefore 6 hours.
Useful links: Time Estimates on Tasks
Used in: Tasks
Vendor (expenses)
In the context of expenses, a vendor is the third-party organization to whom the payment is made (e.g., for a client lunch, the lunch is the expense, and the restaurant is the vendor).
Useful links: Expense entry and approval
Used in: Expenses, Budgets
A view is used to organize your data and display it in the way you find the most appropriate. A view is made of a layout, filters, grouping and other.
Useful links: Views in Productive
Used in: General
Worked time
Worked time is the amount of time spent working on a certain time entry, service, budget or project, or the amount of time a person has tracked in a given period. Worked time includes time spent on both client and internal projects.
Useful links: Time report
Used in: Various Reports
A workflow is the configuration of task statuses, with each workflow divided into three stages: Not started, Started and Closed.
Useful links: Workflows
Used in: Tasks
Workload (layout)
Located in Project management > Tasks (not individual projects), the Workload layout displays task distribution among team members across all projects. It aggregates workload information with capacity indicators, helping you track your team's daily tasks and overall project workload.
Note: While the Resource Planner focuses on allocating resources and booking people on services, adding a financial component, the Workload layout is centered on task allocation for more granular project planning.
Useful links: Workload layout
Used in: Project management