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Receive reports directly in your Email inbox on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis.

Updated over a week ago

With Pulse, you can get your favorite reports from Reports delivered to you on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and/or monthly basis. It can include additional recipients so not only you will receive the email with the report, but everyone else you have included in the Pulse, as well.

How to create a Pulse?

To create a Pulse, go to Reports and select a report you would like to include in your Pulse. It does not matter whether it is public or private.

Open the report and look for a Bell πŸ”” icon in the upper right of your screen. Click on it and select Add Pulse.

A window will appear where you will define the following for your Pulse:

  • When the Pulse will be sent

  • Export format

  • Additional recipients (if needed)

Date and time settings

A Pulse can be sent on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Next, you can select the specific day (unless it is a daily Pulse) and also the exact hour of the day when the Pulse will be delivered to your inbox.
πŸ’‘ Please keep in mind that the report will be delivered in accordance with the timezone you've configured in Settings-General.


Note that a daily Pulse will be sent on weekends and other non-working days, too!

Here is an example of a Monthly Pulse that will be sent on the first Monday of every month at 8 AM:

Additionally, if the option "Skip pulse if there are no results" is turned on, it will skip sending out the Pulse and therefore prevent spamming your inbox if there is no data in that particular report (e.g. you have created a Pulse with a weekly report on who is out of office - if there are no such bookings where people are on vacation or any other kind of Time Off events, the Pulse will not be sent).

Export format

Just like when exporting reports from Productive, the same formats (PDF, CSV, XLS), orientation options (Portrait, Landscape), and Page sizes (A4, A3, Letter) are available within a Pulse.

Additional recipients

A Pulse will automatically be sent to the creator of the Pulse, but you can also add additional recipients who will receive the same Pulse.

Simply add them by entering their emails or choosing from the dropdown menu under Also send to:

When you have finished setting up your Pulse, you can Send a test Pulse to double-check if everything is working as intended.

After about a minute, a new email will appear in your inbox. The subject line for the test and the actual Pulse will be the same, except the test one will have the [TEST] prefix:

Your report, which is the main document we are looking for, will be included in the email as an attachment (at the bottom for Gmail users):

When you have reviewed the test Pulse and everything looks good, by selecting Save Pulse your Pulse will be created.

Now the Bell πŸ”” symbol in the upper right will turn blue indicating there is an active Pulse for this report.

You can even add more Pulses for the same report using the steps described above (e.g. create a weekly Pulse in addition to the monthly one for different recipients).

Use cases

Here are a couple of examples of how your HR and Project Management teams can take advantage of Pulses:

  1. HR / Operations - Who is out this week

    A weekly Pulse that will show who is out this week is very easy to create. Go to Reports and create a custom Report with the Bookings category. Set up the following filters: date - this week, booking type - time off, and create the Pulse using the steps described in the article.
    Now when you start your working week, you will receive an email with the report showing who is out of the office for this week!

  2. Project management - Tasks closed last week

    Create an Report with the Tasks category and set up the following filter: tasks closed - last week and create the Pulse for this report. Now, for example, every Monday you can receive a weekly Pulse with the report showing all tasks closed last week!

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