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Task Custom Fields Library

Task Custom Fields Library allows you to use the same task custom fields on all projects.

Updated over 7 months ago

Custom fields allow you to add specific attributes to tasks, making it easy to filter and sort based on them.

You can either add project-specific custom fields or using the Task custom fields library, create a directory of task custom fields that can be used on all projects in Productive, including the global Tasks view in the main navigation.

Accessing the Task custom fields library

Task Custom Fields Library can be accessed in Settings > Custom fields by scrolling to the Tasks custom field section.

By clicking on the "Open library" option for the first time, you'll be prompted to create your first global task custom field.

For example, in the screenshot below, we'll be adding a single-select field to help us with task prioritisation.

After adding all the details like the custom field's name and description, as well as any other elements (dropdown choices), select "Create field" to save it in the library.

Adding a custom field to a task

After creating and defining all the necessary custom fields in the Settings, you can pull them to any tasks within your projects. Follow the steps below to find out how!

1) Head over to your project of choice, open the project sidebar and navigate to the custom fields tab (🧩). From there, click on the "Manage task custom fields" option.

2) Select the "Add from library" option in the popup.

3) Select your wanted task custom fields. You'll see a "Library" tag next to custom fields pulled from the library, while individual, project-specific custom fields will not have it.

Important: While you're free to create and save as many task custom fields as needed without impacting your subscription plan's total custom field count, please note that you can only apply a certain number of custom fields per project, which depends on your subscription plan!

4) After adding the wanted custom fields to the project, access the task and the custom field should appear on the right, ready to be used!

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