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Creating and Adding Custom Fields

Learn how to create and modify custom fields.

Updated over a week ago

Custom fields allow you to use unique categorizations that are not available in Productive's default settings, allowing you to organize data based on your specific criteria and use it throughout the app.

If you need some inspiration on how to use custom fields, check out this article!

Currently, custom fields can be used for:

  • Bookings

  • Budgets

  • Companies

  • Deals

  • Expenses

  • Invoices

  • People

  • Projects

  • Sales deals

  • Tasks

Please note that only Admins have the permission to create and edit custom fields.

Accessing Custom Fields

To access your custom fields, go to Settings > Custom Fields.

Here you'll find a counter which tells you how many custom fields are included in your pricing plan and how many you have used so far.

Tip: The number of Task custom fields does not affect the total number of custom fields supported in your subscription plan.

For more information on them, check out this article.

Creating a Custom Field

Click on "Create custom field" and select a type:

  • Text field
    Allows you to add information freehand, combining numerical and letter values, or any characters you want.

  • Number field
    Allows you to input a number. You can also choose whether the field will be required (obligatory to fill in), how the figures will be summed up (average and sum), and the formatting (decimal or percentage).

  • Date field
    Allows you to add a calendar date picker. You can make this field mandatory (required) to be filled in.

  • Single-select field
    Allows you to create a dropdown of choices. Users will need to pick only one from the list.

  • Multi-select field
    Allows you to create a dropdown. Users will be able to stack their choices in a selection of multiple tags.

  • Person field
    Opens up the possibility to choose from any of the active users in your account, making assignment and organization actions easier.

When creating a custom field, remember to include a name that identifies its purpose and provide a brief description explaining what it represents (the description will appear in the app when you hover over the field ℹ️).

Tips and tricks:

✅ Some custom field types offer additional options; for instance, dropdown fields allow you to color-code them for better organization.

✅ Additionally, custom fields related to the "People" section can be set as sensitive, allowing only certain people to see the information they contain.

When you're done with the setup, click "Create Field".

Modifying and Deleting Existing Custom Fields

To modify or add new custom fields, navigate to Settings > Custom Fields and select the custom field you wish to edit.

From there, you can delete it using the trash can icon.

Tip: To prevent accidental deletion, you'll need to confirm by typing "Delete" and confirming your decision.

How Does a Custom Field Look in the App?

Outside of Settings, and depending on the section you chose for the custom field to appear in (People, Budgets, Invoices, Companies, Deals, etc.), you'll be able to access and fill in the field accordingly.

Check out the video below to see how to set up a multi-select Company custom field, allowing you to add country information for the clients (companies) you have saved in the app.

When working with tasks or budgets, access, add, and manage the custom fields through the sidebar (the 🧩 tab is designated for custom fields).

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