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Number Custom Field
Updated over a week ago

Number custom fields in Productive are a versatile tool that allows you to add numerical values to various objects such as Budgets, Companies, Deals, Expenses, Invoices, and more.

These fields can be used to capture quantitative data, making it easier to track metrics, set priorities, or record any numerical information relevant to your projects.

Unlike text custom fields that support numbers, number custom fields in Productive support integers only.

1) Adding a Number Custom Field

Go to Settings > Custom fields. Select the object for which you want to create a custom field. This could be Budgets, Companies, Deals, Expenses, Invoices, etc.

2) Selecting the Number Field

From the custom field menu, select the Number field type.

3) Configure the Field

  • Name and Description

    Give the custom field a name and description.

  • Aggregation Type

    Choose whether you want the number to be aggregated as an average or a sum in table and report layouts.

  • Format

    Decide whether to format the value as a decimal or percentage, shown in tables nad reports.

  • Field Properties
    Decide whether you want to see the input for the field when creating new or editing budgets.

  • Set as Required

    If enabled, this field must be filled in when creating a new budget.

  • Create Field
    Click "Create field" (or "Update field" if editing an existing field).

Applying Number Custom Fields

Once created, you can apply the number custom field to any relevant object:

  1. Create or Edit an Object

    Go to the section of the object you wish to apply the custom field to (e.g., Budget, Deal).

  2. Input Number Data

    Find the custom field section and input the numerical value you want to track.

Custom Fields in Reports

Here's how it looks when you add a number custom field to one of your reports. In this example, we added our "Estimation Value" field.
We previously set the field's aggregation type to "Average" and formatted the value as "Decimal".

Consequently, the report displays the average value of all entries, formatted as a decimal, providing a clear and concise view of the data.

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