Budget Editor

Create a budget and monitor its revenue and profitability.

Updated over a week ago

Budgets are created in several different ways:

Budget breakdown

If you create a budget from scratch or edit an existing budget, the budget overview is the same. There are some differences when creating an internal project and a client project, which will be covered below.

The budget consists of the:

  • Navigation pane in the upper right corner: Feed, Services, Time, Invoices, Expenses, and Recurring

  • The Budget Sidebar, which includes the general budget information (budget name, owner, subsidiary), budget details (budget and PO numbers, start and end dates, currency), projects and emails associated with the budget, client and contact details, custom fields, template document access, as well as additional settings like time warnings, time tracking restriction options and custom cost rates.

  • The Budgeting/Profitability section

  • Services

Navigation Pane

The Services tab is the main part of the budget. It contains the basic budget information, the Budgeting and Profitability section, and Services, explained below.

The Feed tab is an overview of everything that was happening on the budget. If you want to add a comment enter text into an input field, mention people, add attachments and save.

The Time tab shows how much time is being spent on a budget and by whom. Click here to see a detailed overview of time entries on a budget.

The Invoice tab shows invoices linked to the budget in question, with adding fields, grouping, and filtering options. You can select one of the budgets in the table, or create a new one by clicking on the +Invoice button to the right.

The Expenses tab replaces previous Out-of-pocket Expenses, and it shows all expenses linked to the budget. To add an expense, you will first need to create a service line item with its Unit set as a Piece.

The Recurring tab is used to manage retainer projects or maintenance projects. On how to set up a recurring budget check here

Budget Sidebar

A budget number is a number that shows you the correct key in the budget database. This number is generated automatically and you can't change it.

A PO Number uniquely identifies a purchase order and is generally defined by the buyer. The buyer will match the PO number in the invoice to the Purchase Order. You can add a PO number manually. If the project is internal, it will not have a PO number.

The budget date range is the date that affects for which period the revenue and costs from this budget are reported.

Currency is the budget currency you choose from the list. Be aware that changing the currency does not recalculate the amounts, it only changes the currency symbol (for example, $1.000 will become 1.000€).

With the Client access toggle button, you can enable or disable clients' access on that budget. If you enable it, the client can access that budget and view approved time entries. To see a bit more of what can client see on a budget check here. If the project is internal, it will not have Client access.

With Approvals, you can enable or disable Time approvals and Expense approvals. If you enable it, the time entries and/or expenses need to be approved by the Budget owner and it will appear in their Approvals section.

Time warning is very useful if you wish to keep an eye on the time spent on a budget. Turning on the Time warning for a budget, the Budget owner will get a warning when billable hours reach the percentage of estimated hours. Put down a threshold after which you want to be notified. You'll get an e-mail when billable hours reach the percentage of estimated hours you set up.

Budget And Profitability

This Budgeting section calculates the remaining budget as your team members track time. It multiplies billable rates with billable time and subtracts the calculated amount from the total budget. Click on the right on the New invoice to create an invoice.

The Profitability section reflects your internal profitability. It is calculated by multiplying employees' cost rates per hour by the hours they've tracked. The profit margin is determined by comparing the billable rate against the employee's cost rate and the total tracked time. Additionally, it's important to note that not only does time tracking impact the remaining budget and budget profitability, but expenses can also influence the budget. For more details on this, check here. If you're ready to invoice, simply click on "New invoice" on the right to create one.

Make sure you keep all the financial information (services, expenses, discounts) in the budget accurate. Otherwise, your profit and revenue figures won't show the real balance.

Internal projects have a simpler budget overview. The budget represents the time spent in relation to the cost rate of each person that tracks time and other expenses that occur on that budget. You can't invoice an internal project.


If you're creating a budget manually (not from a deal that was won), the first thing you'll need to do is to add services.

When you click on the Edit button on your budget, you can add new items, (re)define the billing types, billing units, and what you want to track against the budget, add your time-to-complete estimation and decide on the price per unit/hour for the services you are offering.

Sections like Design and Development pictured below allow you to group services into different categories. Within these sections, you can add new service items manually or service items from previously defined rate cards.

Each Section consists of:

  • Name: a short freehand description of the service

  • The service type: what you offer to a client, as defined in the Settings

  • Billing type: Fixed, Actuals, Non-billable

  • Billing unit: Hours or Days or Piece (Expenses).

    Click on the 🕑 icon to enable or disable the time-tracking option for this service.
    Click on the 📄 icon to enable or disable the expense tracking option for this service.
    Click on the 🗓️ icon to enable or disable booking (scheduling) for this service.

  • Quantity

  • Price: the price of the service you offer to a client

  • The total budget of that section, and budget per service

Click on the sidebar to the right of the Section to add additional fields like Discount, Markup, Estimate, and/or Description.

For instructions on creating services and incorporating them into your sales deals and budgets, check out to this article.

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