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What Is a Budget?

A budget is where your financials are stored. It's made of services, estimates, expenses, time entries and actual profit vs. estimated.

Updated over a week ago


A budget is a comprehensive outline of revenue, profit, cost and other key financial metrics of your project.

It is where you define which services you offer to a client and at which rate/price, your team can then track their time against those services, and add discounts and log expenses (eg. if you hired a contractor, bought licenses or paid for catering).

To learn more about creating and setting up budgets, check out this article.

Accessing Budgets

You can access all your budgets in Financials > Budgets.

Alternatively, if you're looking for budgets tied to a specific project, navigate to Project management > Projects > Your project > Budgets tab.

Creating Multiple Budgets

Projects can have multiple budgets, allowing you to break down complex projects into manageable phases or stages.

For example, you could have separate budgets for the design, development, and maintenance phases of a website project. This flexibility ensures precise financial tracking for each project phase.

Budgets and Invoices

Budgets are directly linked to invoicing. The data on invoices is automatically populated based on the information set and spent in the budget. This connection between budgets and invoices ensures accurate billing and efficient financial management.

Note: an invoice can't be created without a budget!

You'll receive notifications when a budget needs invoicing, keeping you informed at all times.


Once your budget is set up and in use, you can gain valuable insights through reports.

Reports provide detailed information such as time spent on the budget, estimated time, billable time, total revenue, costs, current profit, profit margin, and more.

Access pre-made budget-related reports in the Reports library or create custom reports using the Budgets data source.

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