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Manual Time Tracking

Learn how to add time entries efficiently using manual tracking and time-tracking suggestions.

Updated over 9 months ago

Tracking time in Productive can be done in two primary ways: manual tracking and using the timer. Manual tracking enables you to enter time worked against a budget and service freely, while the timer allows you to track time as you work.

This article will focus on manual time entries. For guidance on using the timer feature, please refer to this link, and for more information on the desktop timer, click here.

Accessing Manual Time Tracking

To access manual time tracking, simply go to the Time tab and select My time.

Picking the Date

In the My time section, you will find weekdays at the top of the user interface. You can pick any day from the list and start adding time entries for that day.

You can track time in three views: Day, Timesheet, and Calendar view.

Use arrows to navigate between weeks. Click the dot in the middle to return to the current week.

You can also choose a date from the calendar.

Filling Out the Time Form

Time is tracked against a specific budget and service within that budget or a sales deal. It’s important to select the correct budget and service to ensure accurate time tracking.

1) Select the Client, Project, Budget, and Service

Ensure you’ve selected a service from the right project and budget from the service dropdown.

You can view budget service sections in the service picker. For example, if you select "The Ads Campaign" project, navigate to the "Ads Campaign: Social" budget, then to the "Helix: Phase 1" service section, and finally select the desired service.

2) Enter Duration

Specify how long you worked.

3) Add a Note

Put a brief description of what you’ve been working on in the Note field before selecting Save.

4) After saving, the time entry will appear to the right (if you're in the day view; the timesheet and calendar views will get updated automatically as you add the entries in the desired slots).

Tip: Time Input Formats

  • Type 8, 8h, or 8 hours for 8 hours.

  • Type 30, 30 min, or 0.5 for 30 minutes.

  • Type 5 min, 5 m for 5 minutes.

  • Formats like 145 min/m will be converted into hours (2h 25min).

Managing Time Entries

Selecting the three-dot menu to the right of a time entry allows you to edit the entry, pin the service for easier navigation, duplicate the entry, view timer logs (if you used the timer), or delete the entry.

You can also directly edit the entry details by typing in the available fields.

To assign the time entry to a specific project task, click on the "Assign to task" option. Find out more about tracking time on tasks here.

Time Suggestions

Productive helps you track time with time-tracking suggestions, showing pinned services, services scheduled in Resourcing, and recently tracked services.

Clicking these suggestions will create an editable time entry with the budget and service information, allowing you to add a note or change the duration. This feature is available in the Day and Timesheet views.

Pinned Services

You can manually pin any services for easier navigation and time-tracking flow.

Hover over the service name until a pin 📌 appears, then click on it. This moves the service to your Pinned section for quick access.

Scheduled Services

If you’re scheduled to work on a project in Resourcing, you will get automatic time-tracking suggestions under the "You are scheduled on" tab.

Recently Tracked Time

The Recently tracked section contains all services you have recently tracked time against, helping you quickly find and log time for ongoing tasks.

​Include Time Off Option

By enabling the "Include time off" setting, all time-off bookings will be added to that day's total hours.

For example, having a time-off booking for 8 hours and tracking 5 hours of work, the total will be 13 hours. With the setting turned off, the total will be 5 hours.

Switching Between Manual and Timer Mode

You can easily switch between manual and timer modes by clicking the clock icon in the top right corner. Just don't forget to stop the timer when finished!

Greyed-out Dates in the Header Section

Dates in the header section might appear greyed out for the following reasons:

  • No Capacity Set: In the person's cost rate.

  • Holiday: Bank holidays marked with blue and red triangle flags.

  • Weekends: In a darker-gray hue (you can hide weekends by selecting the gear icon in the upper right and switching on the Hide weekends toggle).

  • Time Off: If time off is booked on that date.

Troubleshooting Time Tracking Issues

If you encounter issues tracking time, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

For more details, refer to our article on Can't Track Time Against a Budget.

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