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Viewing User Details

You can get detailed activity reports for your users. Their work log, time entries and projects are listed on their personal profile page.

Updated over a week ago

There are several ways to view user (and contact) details in Productive.

1) Search
Start typing the user's name into Search (control+s).

2) CRM > Contacts

3) Settings > Users

User Details

There are a lot of user details available in the person's profile page. Based on your permissions, you will be able to see different information spread out across various tabs. 


The Overview tab allows for a quick overview of someone's utilization in a certain period, complete with the user's capacity, availability, scheduled and worked time.

Time off

The Time off tab will contain information about the user's available time-off entitlements (time-off categories), and their upcoming and past time off.

If you are an admin, this is where you will add the time-off categories to your employees (through the +Add new allocation option to the right).

Work log

The Work log tab is a place where you can see a log of *everything* that person was doing in Productive (except activities related to private tasks unless you have access to those).

Whether it’s creating a new task, commenting on a deal, creating a budget, invoice, deal, user, or assigning a task to someone, you name it. Everything here is listed chronologically.

You can even apply filters to the work log-on to customize what you want to see.

Org chart

The Org chart tab shows the individual line of hierarchy for that particular person.
Tip: you can access your whole organization's org chart through the My Company> Org chart tab.


The Time tab is the place where you can see all time entries for a specific employee or contractor.

You can group the time entries by days or services, select a time interval you're interested in or select a specific budget or pricing type.

When you're done defining all the criteria you're interested in, you can export this data.


Similar to the Work log, the Feed tab will show additional changes and updates that are directly related to this person.


The Emails tab for a person shows you every email filed in Productive that this person sent or received.

Whether someone from the team CC’d Alex in the e-mail that was sent to a client, or Alex sent something herself using the BCC feature, all correspondence will be shown here.


The Projects tab shows the list of all the projects this user is added as a project member. It is also a place where you can assign a person to multiple projects at once.

Cost rates

The Cost rates tab is only accessible to admins. This is where you can find and adjust the information about the gross salary of this user in particular. 

For more information on Cost rates, be sure to visit the following article:
Setting up cost rates

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