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Managing Teams in Productive

Learn how to set up up and manage teams in Productive.

Updated over a month ago

Teams in Productive represent groups of users organized to collaborate on specific budgets, dashboards, Docs, or task views.

In Settings > Teams, you can see the total number of teams you have created and which are active under your subscription plan. This helps you keep track of team organization and ensure efficient resource management.

In short, Teams allow you to:

  • Effectively share dashboards, task views, budgets or Docs.

  • View and manage different teams' responsibilities in Resourcing.

  • Analyze teams' availability, capacity, and financial data in Reports.

Creating and Managing Teams

Creating Teams

To create a team:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Teams.

  2. Select + Create team.

  3. Enter a name for your team and save.


Adding Members to Teams

To add members to a team:

  1. Click on the team you want to add members to.

  2. Select + Add member.

  3. Choose the users you want to add to the team from the list.
    Note that one user can belong to multiple teams, and clients as well as contractors can be part of teams!

Tip: Since one person can be added to multiple teams, for a refined data display use the Teams fields and filters.

Managing Teams

  • Viewing Team Membership: To see the list of teams a person is added to, navigate to the Info tab in their user profile (in Resourcing > Employees for your employees and contractors, CRM > Contacts for your clients, or in Settings > Users).

    Note that when you add a person to a team, all objects (budgets, dashboards, Docs, task views) that the team can access are automatically shared with that person.

  • Editing Teams: Only Admins can manage teams, which includes adding or removing members and creating or deleting teams. This ensures security and proper management control.

  • Deleting Teams: To delete a team, select the bin next to the team's name in Settings > Teams. Note that this just deletes the group, not the users from the app.

    In terms of access to budgets, task views, dashboards, or Docs, when you delete a team, it is removed from all places it was present, meaning that people in the team lose access to those objects, in line with their permissions.

Teams and Sharing Options

Sharing a Dashboard

  • A dashboard can be shared with an individual or a team.

  • After selecting the team, choose a permission level for that team.

Sharing a Budget

  • You can add a whole team to work on a budget

Sharing a Doc

  • You can share a Doc with teams.

Sharing a View

  • You can share your view with the whole team.

  • More on views sharing here.

Using Teams as Fields and Filters

Teams can also be used as a field in various overviews and as filters in different modules:

  • User Overview: Teams can be used as a field in Resourcing > Employees, CRM > Contacts, and Settings > Users.

  • Resourcing: Team filters can be used to focus on specific groups.


  • Reports: Teams filters are applicable in Reports, helping you refine your data and focus on specific groups.

    The People data source report can help you analyze individuals by teams, while in all other reports, teams can be added as a relationship field if needed for additional data or filtering methods.

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