Sometimes, a service needs to be relocated—whether to invoice it separately, restructure a budget, or consolidate work under a different deal.
Instead of manually recreating services and reassigning tracked work, you can now move services between deals and budgets.
This feature ensures that all associated time entries, expenses, and bookings stay linked to the service, making the transition smooth and efficient.
Why Move a Service?
Here are some common scenarios where this feature is useful:
You want to split a budget and invoice part of it separately.
A service was added to the wrong deal and needs to be moved.
You’re restructuring projects and need to consolidate work under a different budget.
A client’s needs changed, and a service needs to be allocated elsewhere.
How to Move a Service Between Deals and Budgets
Follow these steps to ensure that the service, along with its associated time entries, expenses, and bookings, is correctly transferred:
1) Select the Service
Start by navigating to the deal or budget that contains the service you want to move. In the service list, find the service you wish to transfer.
2) Open the More Options Menu
Once you've located the service, click on the three dots next to it. This will open a dropdown menu with additional options.
3) Choose 'Move'
From the dropdown, select the "Move" option. This will trigger the move action for the service.
4) Select the New Destination
A window will appear allowing you to choose the new deal or budget where you'd like to move the service.
You can transfer the service to another deal, another budget, or between different combinations of budgets and deals (e.g., budget to deal or deal to budget).
5) Confirm the Move
Once you've selected the destination, click "Move" to finalize the move.
The service, along with all its associated time entries, expenses, and bookings, will be transferred to the new location.
What Happens When You Move a Service?
When a service is moved, several things happen to ensure the financial data stays correct:
Revenue Calculations
Revenue recognition will be recalculated when:
A service is moved between deals and budgets.
A service is moved from a client budget to an internal budget.
A service is moved where person-day settings differ between the source and target.
A service with unapproved time entries is moved to a budget where time approval is off—in this case, the time entries will be automatically approved, and revenue will be recognized.
Currency Adjustments
If the service is moved to a budget with a different currency, the amounts are not recalculated—only the currency symbol changes.
For example, $1,000 will become €1,000.
Tracking Restrictions
When moving a service between deals or budgets, tracking restrictions may change based on the target budget’s settings.
Moving from a restricted budget to a non-restricted budget: The tracking restriction is removed. The service will no longer have assigned tracking limitations.
Moving from a non-restricted budget to a restricted budget: The service will not automatically inherit restriction details. The budget owner must manually assign tracking permissions for the moved service.
If tracking restrictions are later enabled on the new budget: The system will remember the original restriction settings and suggest the previously restricted team members.
Service Movement Visibility
Warning Messages Explained
When moving a service, you may see warning messages if the move could affect data accuracy.
Here’s what each message means and what you should consider before proceeding (click to expand).
Here’s what each message means and what you should consider before proceeding (click to expand).
1) Tracked Time Conflict
Message: "If you move a service that has tracked time to a budget with a different date range, it could affect the accuracy of your reports."
What it means:
If the new budget has a different date range than the original one, time entries may no longer align correctly with reporting periods. This could impact time-based reports, forecasts, or invoicing.
What to do:
Before moving the service, check if the target budget's date range covers all tracked time. If not, you may need to adjust time entries after the move.
2) Unapproved Time Conflict
Message: "If you move a service that has unapproved tracked time to a budget with time approval turned off, tracked time will be approved by default."
What it means:
The target budget does not require time approval, but the original budget does. When the service moves, any unapproved time entries will be automatically approved.
What to do:
If time approval is important for your workflow, review and approve any pending time entries before moving the service.
3) Billable vs. Internal
Message: "If you move a service to an internal budget, the service will be set as non-billable by default."
What it means:
The service you’re moving is billable, but the target budget is set up as an internal (non-billable) budget. This means the service will automatically become non-billable, and its financial impact may change.
What to do:
If you still need this service to be billable, consider whether the new budget is the right place for it. Otherwise, you’ll need to manually adjust the service settings after the move.
4) Currency
Message: "Moving a service to the budget with a different currency does not recalculate the amounts, it only changes the currency symbol (for example, $1,000 will become €1,000)."
What it means:
The system does not recalculate the value based on exchange rates. It only updates the currency symbol.
What to do:
If this impacts pricing or financial reporting, review the new budget before finalizing the move.
Important Considerations When Moving Services
To make sure everything stays accurate, keep these rules in mind when moving services.
#1 Won and Lost Deals
You cannot move services from won or lost deals: If the deal is marked as won or lost, the services in it can’t be moved.
You cannot move services to won or lost deals: Services can’t be transferred into deals that are already won or lost.
#2 Delivered Budgets
Services on delivered budgets can’t be moved: Once a budget has been delivered, you can’t move services from it.
Services can’t be moved to delivered budgets: Similarly, you can’t move services to a budget that’s already been delivered.
#3 Invoiced Budgets
Services on invoiced budgets cannot be moved: Services that have been invoiced can’t be transferred to other deals or budgets.
#4 Financial Month-End Close
Services with locked time entries or expenses cannot be moved: If a service has time entries or expenses in a "locked" financial period (learn more in our Financial Month Closing article), it can’t be moved between different stages or budgets.
#5 Templates
Services on templates cannot be moved: You can’t move services created in templates to other places.
You cannot move services to templates: You can’t move services into templates, either.
#6 Different Budget Editors
You cannot move services from a budget in the advanced editor to a budget in the simple editor.
Lump sum services can’t be moved from a simple editor budget to an advanced editor budget.