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General Notification Settings
General Notification Settings

Adjust in-app, mobile, email, and Slack notification settings.

Updated over 5 months ago

To customize your notification preferences, head over to Settings > Notifications.

Here, you can choose which notifications you want and how you want to receive them.

Notification Customization Options

  • In-App Notifications View

    Toggle the compact view on or off to show or hide the notification content in your inbox.

  • Notification Order

    Choose the order of notifications in your inbox after archiving (newer, current, or older).

Supported Channels for Notifications

Next to each notification category, you can enable or disable notifications via:

  • Mobile app

  • In-app (browser and desktop)

  • Slack

  • Email

Notification Categories

Under the Notification settings, you’ll find a detailed list of items for which you can set notifications.

1) Tasks (Click to Expand)

Notifications apply to tasks to which you're subscribed.

Tip: Watch the project to be automatically subscribed to all new tasks within that project. Learn more about watching projects.

Important: If you aren't watching the project, you won't receive notifications for new tasks even if task-related notifications are enabled in Settings > Notifications.

You can receive notifications in the following scenarios:

  • A new task is created or updated (and you are set as one of the subscribers).

  • A comment is left in the task feed.

  • If a To-Do is assigned to you or you are mentioned in the task, you’ll automatically become a subscriber (and get notified).

  • Before or after task start/end dates to stay on track.

2) Deals (Click to Expand)

Notifications apply to the deals whose owner you are or you’re watching, provided you have access to deals.

You’ll be notified when:

  • A deal is created and assigned to you as the owner.

  • Updates are made to the deal you are watching.

  • Comments are made to the deal you are watching.

  • If a deal To-Do is assigned to you.

  • When the To-Do due date is coming up.

  • When you are mentioned in the deal feed (even if you are not watching it).

  • When an email gets assigned to the deal you are watching.

  • When the deal is shared with you.

Notes on Deal Access:

  • Users with default permissions (Admin, Manager, Profitability Manager) can access all deals.

  • For custom permission sets, the permission needed to have access to deals, and therefore to receive notifications is "View all deals".

3) Budgets (Click to Expand)

Similar to deals, provided you have access to budgets, notifications apply to budgets you’re watching and where you are the budget owner.

You'll be notified when:

  • A new budget is created and assigned to you as the owner.

  • Updates are made to the budget you are watching.

  • Comments are left in the budget feed in the budget you are watching.

  • When you are mentioned in the budget feed (even if you are not watching it).

  • When an email is assigned to a budget you are watching.

  • If a budget is shared with you.

Notes on Budget Access:

  • Users with default permissions (Admin, Manager, Profitability Manager) can access all budgets.

  • For custom permission sets, the permission needed to have access to budgets is "View all budgets".

4) Invoices (Click to Expand)

Invoice notifications apply to invoices you are subscribed to, provided that you have permission to manage invoices and payments.

Tip: If you’re watching a budget, once an invoice draft is created, you’ll automatically be added as a subscriber to that invoice and will start receiving relevant notifications.

You'll get notified when an invoice is:

  • Created

  • Updated and you subscribed to it.

  • When someone leaves a comment in the invoice feed, and you are subscribed to the invoice.

  • When someone mentions you in the invoice feed.

  • When a payment is recorded and you are subscribed to the invoice.

  • And when an email is assigned to the invoice you are subscribed to.

Notes on Invoice Access:

  • Users with default permissions (Admin, Manager, Profitability Manager) can manage and access invoices.

  • For custom permission sets, the permission needed to manage all invoices and payments, which is needed to receive notifications about invoices and payments is "Add, edit, and delete invoices and payments".

5) Docs (Click to Expand)

You’ll receive notifications for mentions in comments on docs you’ve been added to.

Tip: Enable "Sharing" Platform notifications (covered below) to be informed when a Doc is shared with you.

6) Projects (Click to Expand)

You’ll be notified if a project is shared with you or if you are assigned as the project manager.

7) Platform Notifications (Click to Expand)

Enable notifications for items shared with you outside of Budgets, Deals, or Projects, including Docs, Dashboards, and Views.

8) People (Click to Expand)

Notifications apply to updates and comments on the Employee, Contractor, Client, and Contact profiles you are subscribed to.

9) Companies (Click to Expand)

Users subscribed to company pages will receive relevant notifications.

10) Bookings (Click to Expand)

Fine-tune notifications for bookings assigned to you or updated. Find out more about booking notifications here.

11) Approvals (Click to Expand)

Control notifications for various types of approvals.

You can receive notifications for:

  • Time Approvals
    For time entries or time off needing your approval.

  • Expenses
    Notifications for your rejected or unapproved expense submittals.

  • Expense Approvals
    For expenses needing your approval.

  • Time Off Approvals
    Time-off request notifications (approved or rejected time off, either yours or for the people you subscribed to).

12) Reports (Click to Expand)

Enable weekly summary reports sent on Mondays. Learn more about these reports here.

13) Company-Wide Notifications (Click to Expand)

You’ll receive reminders for time tracking and timesheet locking as set by the account admin. These notifications cannot be adjusted here and only serve as information points.

Important: Admins manage these settings in Settings > Time tracking for the whole organization.

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