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Notification Inbox

Notification inbox show you what the team has been doing on tasks, projects and more. Use notifications to stay on top of important changes.

Updated over 5 months ago

There are two ways you can access your notifications in Productive after you've customized your notification preferences in the settings.

1) Hover Over the Inbox 

Hovering over the Inbox displays the most recent notifications in chronological order. Click on any notification to open it.

Keep an extra eye on notifications marked with a purple @ symbol, indicating a direct mention. Unread notifications have a white background, while those already seen have a grey background.

2) Inbox Mode

Selecting the Open inbox option while hovering over the Inbox or clicking directly on the inbox icon will expand it completely and keep it open at all times. 

Opening a notification from the inbox displays the related item on the right, allowing you to address issues one by one.


Filter notifications by date, project, or type (budget, deal, invoice, payment, subscribed tasks).

Notification Types

Jump through your notifications and choose between viewing:

  • All inbox notifications you set up and have not reviewed yet

  • Your direct mentions (e.g. when someone tags you in a comment on a project @YourName)

  • All your archived notifications


Archive a notification by selecting the "Archive" option when hovering over it. Archived notifications can be accessed by switching from the Inbox to the Archive in the inbox dropdown menu.

Additional options

Archive all your notifications at once, access the notification settings, toggle the compact notification view for improved legibility, or switch on the do-not-disturb option to pause notifications until you're ready to dive back in.

Pro Tip

Review Notifications Daily

Stay informed and respond promptly to important updates, mentions, or changes in your projects and tasks.

Declutter Your Inbox as You Go

Archive the notifications as you review them to foster focus and productivity.

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