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Your contacts are all the people you collaborate with. You can have your employees, clients, and contractors here, or other contacts too.

Updated over a week ago

Your contacts in Productive encompass all individuals with whom you collaborate, including employees, clients, and contractors, as well as any non-user contacts you wish to save in the system. Here’s how you can effectively manage and add contacts to your account.

How to Add Contacts

To add a new contact in-app, navigate to CRM > Contacts. This section will display a list of existing contacts in your account, complete with filters at the top to help narrow down search results.

Default views such as Employees or Clients have been predefined to assist in locating specific types of contacts more efficiently.

You also have the option to upload contacts in bulk through CSV data import. Find out more about this here.

Adding a New Contact In-App

To add a new contact, click the violet "+ Person" button at the top right.

In the next step, we will ask you whether this person is going to be a User in your account or a Contact.

  • Users can log in to Productive and collaborate with your team. Employees and Contractors count as paid seats, while Clients are free to add. Find out more about adding Users here.

  • Contacts cannot log into Productive, and serve as repositories for notes, contact information storage, and email filing within the app. Contacts can be made into Users at any time if needed.

Opting for the Add a new Contact option in the previous step will instantly take you to the contact details screen.

Fill out the contact details such as the contact name, email, and job title. You can assign this contact to an existing company or assign them to a new one.

Once all the details have been filled in, select "Add Contact".

If you want to add additional contact information such as the phone number, email, website or address, open the Contact detail dropdown from the upper right, select the "Add field" button and choose from the available options.

The Contact Page Tabs

Once created, an individual contact page counts multiple tabs helping you keep track of any communication or collaboration with the contact, be they active Productive users or contacts. Note that depending on the type of contact, the tabs contain more or fewer details.

The Contacts (without login access) will have the Feed and Emails tab.

The Users (Employees, Contractors, Clients) will have more tabs, depending on their usage and access to the different platform features and functionalities.

  • Overview

    A snapshot of the user's capacity, availability, bookings and logged time.

  • Time off

    View all time off entitlements the user has been assigned, alongside their requested and past time off.

  • Work log

    If this contact is a user or a client in your account you will see their activity here

  • Org chart

    If applicable, you'll see the user's manager(s) in the organizational chart.

  • Time

    You'll see all time entries added by this user here.

  • Feed
    Activity such as comments, attachments, changes, and emails will be displayed here.

  • Emails
    If you're using Productive's Email inbox feature and BCC emails into Productive, they will land here if they're sent to this contact.

  • Projects
    All projects this person has access to.

  • Cost rates
    An overview of the user's current cost rate (salary) alongside all past cost rates. Visible to admins only.

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