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Gantt View

Plan your project in phases and track progress by visualizing the work that needs to be done.

Updated over a week ago

The Gantt View is available on Professional and Ultimate plans.

Project hierarchy

The Gantt view is available at a project level. Activate the Gantt view by clicking on Layout and then choosing Gantt from the dropdown menu.

If you wish to save the view for future usage, hit the Save button, and name a view.

In the Gantt View, you can see the project hierarchy along with the visual representation of the task duration. On the left side, there are boards, task lists, tasks, and subtasks. Each "parent" level can be expanded or collapsed. On the right side, you can see the duration of tasks.


You can also view and add blocking/waiting on dependencies between tasks.

Managing tasks

Once you've picked the Gantt layout, you can Add new boards and task lists from the boards dropdown. You can reorder boards and task lists from the same dropdown.

Tasks and subtasks can be added from the left side of the Gantt chart. The new item will be added at the bottom of the list.

Additional options

You can adjust your level of view granularity by zooming in or out. When you move back and forth in the Gantt chart, the Today button will bring "today" into focus.

You can color your tasks by status or any custom field you wish (you can color tasks only by single select custom fields).

A few extras

  • Boards, task lists, and tasks sort follow the manual sort. Tasks can be sorted manually in the list view

  • The export is not available at the moment, but it is on our roadmap

To create a View from your set of fields, filters, and preferred grouping, check out this article.

Want to learn more about other views, check here:

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