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Custom Numbering Schemes

Learn how to set up custom numbering schemes for projects, budgets, tasks, and purchase orders in Productive, all with practical examples.

Updated over a week ago

Similar to setting up a custom invoice numbering format, you can also create numbering schemes for other items in Productive, such as projects, budgets, tasks, and purchase orders.

This allows you to personalize the codes used for these items and ensure consistency across the app.

Customizing the numbering sequences is available in Premium and Ultimate plans.

Why Customize Numbering Formats?

Customizing your number format opens up plenty of possibilities. It allows you to easily identify items, keep track of projects for specific clients, and maintain a structured approach across your organization.

Here are some practical elements you can incorporate into your numbering schemes:

  • {yyyy}: Current year (e.g., 2024)

  • {yy}: Shortened current year (e.g., 24)

  • {q}: Current quarter (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4)

  • {n}: Sequential number (e.g., 1, 2, 3…)

  • {mm}: Month (e.g., 01, 02…)

  • {company_code}: First four characters of your or your client's company code (e.g., ACMER becomes ACME)

Note: A task sequence cannot contain the {company_code} variable.

Tip: You can use the quick-search option within the projects, budgets, purchase orders, and task screens to find specific items by their numbers.

Just ensure the number is added to the search bar without the # symbol!

Examples (Click Here to Expand)

1) Project Numbering

Let’s say you work with multiple clients like Alpha Corp and Beta Industries. You want to set up a project numbering scheme that’s specific to each client.

Format: {company_code}-{n}

Here’s how it would work:

  • For the first project with Alpha Corp, the number would be ALPH-1.

  • For the first project with Beta Industries, the number would be BETA-1.

  • If you create another project for Alpha Corp, the number would be ALPH-2.

This setup helps you immediately recognize which client a project is for, and it maintains a sequential order specific to each client.

2) Budget Numbering

If you handle various types of budgets across quarters, you might want to distinguish them easily.

Format: BUD_{company_code}_{q}_{n}

This might look like:

  • BUD_ALPH_1_01 for Alpha Corp's first-quarter budget.

  • BUD_BETA_2_01 for Beta Industries' second-quarter budget.

This format helps in identifying budgets by client and quarter, ensuring clarity in financial tracking.

3) Task Numbering

For tasks, you can create a consistent numbering scheme using the available variables.

Format: TASK-{yyyy}-{mm}-{n}

Here’s how it would work:

  • For the first task in January 2024, the number might be TASK-2024-01-001.

  • For a task created in February 2024, the number might be TASK-2024-02-002.

This setup provides a clear, date-based sequence that helps in tracking when tasks were created while keeping a running tally of tasks across the year.

4) Purchase Order Numbering

Purchase orders often require a combination of date and sequential numbers to track orders across a fiscal year.

Format: {company_code}-{yyyy}-{nnn}


  • ALPH-2024-001 for the first purchase order in 2024 for Alpha Corp.

  • BETA-2024-002 for the second purchase order in 2024 for Beta Industries.

Setting up the Custom Number Schemes

To set up custom numbering formats, navigate to Settings > General in your Productive account. Note that only Admins can update the numbering sequences.

Navigate to the Numbering scheme menu where you can set custom sequences for projects, budgets, tasks, and purchase orders.

Tips for Setting Up Numbering Sequences

  • To see which variables are supported when creating a custom sequence, hover over the ℹ️ icon next to each item.

  • You can also use standard text (numbers (1-9), letters (A-Z, a-z), and symbols (/ _ - . < >), and whitespace) along with the predefined variables to customize your numbering.

  • A custom start number can also be set for each sequence type (note that you cannot retroactively add a number lower than the one you set).

Important: If you include unsupported formats or miss required information, the save button won’t display a checkmark, indicating that the changes you made were not saved. If that happens, review and correct your inputs.

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