When creating a task in a project, you can add both a start date and a due date to give your task a clear date range.
This provides your team with precise information on when the task should begin and be completed, enhancing time management and project tracking.
Note: Adding a due (and, optionally, start) date is essential for the tasks to appear in the Timeline, Gantt, Workload, and Calendar views.
How to Add a Start and Due Date to a Task
1) Create the Task
Start by creating a task as you normally would.
2) Add Due and Start Date
Click on the "Date and time" menu.
βPick the due date straight from the calendar, and select the "Add start date" option to choose the desired start date from the calendar.
3) Date Range
After setting the dates, the "Date and time" option updates to "Date range," showing the selected period.
You can edit the date range at any time by revisiting the task and adjusting the dates.
Visualizing Task Dates
Switch to the Calendar, Gantt, Timeline or Workload view for a comprehensive overview of all tasks, displaying their start and end dates.