Overview: What is the Workload Field?
The Workload field in Productive reflects the total number of hours team members are assigned to tasks across projects.
By including the Workload field in the Capacity & Availability report, you gain deeper insights into task distribution alongside resource scheduling and availability.
Understanding the Workload Layout in Productive
The Workload Layout is a standalone feature in Productive, designed to provide insights into task assignments across projects.
Unlike the Resource Planner, which focuses on high-level planning and includes a financial component, the Workload layout is strictly task-based.
In short, while the Resource Planner helps you allocate hours for services, the Workload Layout tracks the distribution of tasks, offering more detailed project planning.
Key Use Cases for the Workload Field in C&A Reports
1) Compare Availability with Workload
Use the Workload field to see whether team members have sufficient capacity to take on more work.
Example: If a team member has 40 hours of availability in a given week but a workload of 50 hours, this indicates an overload.
Custom formulas like
@Workload - @Available
can serve as alerts for over-assignment.
2) Compare Scheduled vs. Workload Hours
The Scheduled field shows how many hours someone is booked on services, while Workload reflects task assignments.
Comparing the two helps you identify misaligned planning:
If Scheduled > Workload, the person may not have enough detailed tasks assigned to match their planned hours.
If Workload > Scheduled, the person may be overloaded with tasks beyond their high-level scheduling.
3) Resource Planning Without Scheduling
Even if your team doesn’t use scheduling in the Resource Planner, you can still track Availability and Workload to balance assignments.
Example: A team member with low workload and high availability can take on additional tasks, while someone with high workload may need task redistribution.
How Workload Fits into Capacity & Availability Reports
Here’s how the Workload field integrates with the key metrics in C&A reports:
Capacity: Total hours a person could work over a specific period, adjusted for bank holidays.
Available: Capacity minus time-off (vacation, sick leave, etc.).
Scheduled: Hours booked on services in the Resource Planner.
Workload: Hours assigned to tasks across all projects.
By combining these fields, you can gain a full picture of your team’s workload, availability, and scheduling.
Examples of Custom Formulas
Workload vs. Availability
@Workload - @Available
Purpose: Identify individuals who are overloaded (positive value marks the team members whose assigned tasks exceed their available hours) or underutilized (negative value).
Workload vs. Scheduled
@Workload - @Scheduled
Purpose: Spot mismatches between high-level scheduling (services) and task-level assignments.