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HubSpot FAQ
Updated over a week ago

I've just set up the integration with Hubspot. Why don't I see my existing deals?

Existing deals will not be synced with Productive unless you move them to the next stage, ie. one of the stages that you've mapped with Productive in the integration settings. For example, if you've mapped Stage 1 and Stage 2 with Productive, and your deal is in Stage 1 before the integration is set up, it will not appear in Productive until you move it to Stage 2.

What happens if a HubSpot deal has multiple companies assigned to it?

Because Productive has a limitation of only one company per deal, only the primary company will be synced.

What happens if a HubSpot deal has multiple contacts assigned to it?

All contacts will be created in Productive and linked to the primary company of the deal.

What happens if the primary company on a HubSpot deal already exists in Productive?

If the existing company in Productive was synced from HubSpot, Productive would not create a new one but use the existing one instead.
If the existing company was not synced from HubSpot (e.g. it was previously created in Productive), Productive will detect the existing company and match the deal to it, instead of creating the duplicate.

What happens if a contact on a HubSpot deal already exists in Productive?

If the existing contact in Productive has the same email address as the contact synced from HubSpot, Productive will not create a new one but use the existing one instead. If the existing and the new contacts don't have matching email addresses, Productive will not be able to detect the duplicate and will create a new one.

Is the deal owner field in HubSpot synced to Productive?

Deal owners from HubSpot are assigned as matching deal owners in Productive, provided certain conditions are met:

  1. HubSpot deal needs to have an owner.

  2. A user with the same email address needs to exist in Productive.

  3. The Productive user has permission to create and view said deals.

If a deal without an owner is synced from HubSpot to Productive, Productive will assign the Fallback owner set in integration settings.

What happens if the deal owner is updated in Productive?

As changing that field counts as an action that modifies the synced deal, the sync will break and changes done to that deal in HubSpot afterwards will not be reflected in Productive.

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