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Deal Templates

Save time and ensure consistency with Deal Templates—predefine services and settings to quickly create structured deals in Productive.

Updated over a week ago

Deal templates make it easy to start new deals with predefined services and settings, saving time in your sales process.

Deal Templates: Overview

For teams using Productive’s CRM, deals are often the first step before creating a budget.

Deal templates help standardize this process by letting you predefine key deal details, ensuring consistency across similar deals.

With deal templates, you can:

  • Set up default services and pricing for your deals.

  • Ensure each new deal follows the same structure and settings.

  • Quickly create deals without manually adding details each time.

Creating deal templates is available on Premium, Professional, and Ultimate plans.

Key Features

  • Create multiple templates for different deal types, clients, or sales processes.

  • Predefine services and pricing to ensure consistency.

  • Use templates to create new deals directly from the Template Center or the deal creation flow.

  • Easily update or duplicate templates as your sales strategy evolves.

  • Manage all templates in the Template Center.

How to Create a Deal Template

1) Hover over you avatar in the upper right and select the Template Center.

2) Click + Template, then select Deal.

3) Choose whether to start from scratch, copy an existing deal, or use an existing template to create your new template.

4) Give your template a name and a description to help it stand out for future use, then click "Create template".

5) Add services manually or import them from your rate card (only default rate cards are available at this stage).

6) Open the sidebar to adjust any necessary deal settings, such as custom fields, document templates, or time and expense approvals.

7) Once you adjusted your deal details, click Done in the upper-right corner and return to the Template Center.

Creating a New Deal Using a Template

  1. In the Template Center, select a deal template.

  2. Click Use template.

  3. Alternatively, in the New Deal flow, select Create from template.

  4. The deal screen will prefill information from the template—just select a client, the deal stage, and adjust any details if needed. Click Create deal to finalize.

Once a deal is created, it functions like any other deal, and you can modify it as necessary.

Additional Notes

  • Some deal fields won’t appear in templates (e.g., Deal Stage, Probability, Expense and Time tabs) since these are specific to individual deals.

  • You can convert an existing deal into a template using the Save as Template option in the deal settings.
    Open the deal sidebar, select the cog icon (Settings) and select "Save as template".

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