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Tentative Bookings

Create tentative bookings (soft allocations) in Resourcing.

Updated over a week ago

Tentative bookings, also known as soft allocations, allow you to plan resources for projects that have not yet been confirmed.

This feature in Productive’s Resourcing helps manage potential workloads without affecting the total scheduled hours until the booking is confirmed.

Creating And Confirming Tentative Bookings

To create a tentative booking, head over to Resourcing, create a new booking, and select Tentative from the booking pop-up.

You will notice that tentative bookings are marked with grey stripes and they are not added to the person's total scheduled hours:

Tentative bookings will also affect how capacity indicators are displayed.
If there is a confirmed booking and a tentative booking for the same date, the capacity indicator will only take the confirmed booking into the calculation.

In case there is only a tentative booking assigned for the day, capacity indicators will turn grey.

Once converted into a Confirmed booking, hours from that booking will be added to that day's total scheduled hours.

To confirm a booking, click on a tentative booking and select Confirm.

This change will also be displayed in the Booking history.

Tentative Bookings in Reports

Bookings Data Source

In the bookings data source report, the Status field will show whether a booking is Confirmed or Tentative.

You can also set a filter to only display confirmed or tentative bookings.

Capacity And Availability Data Source

Tentative fields are available in the capacity and availability data source report which will display time, cost and revenue for tentative bookings.

Financial Items Data Source

Tentative bookings can be accessed through the Type field, and can also through filters. Additionally, they behave like any other type in this data source, e.g. showing revenue, cost, and similar information (based on a filter set).

Access to Tentative Bookings in Resourcing

All Employee users can see tentative bookings except for users with Staff and Staff with CRM access permissions.

Staff with time access permissions (including Staff with Time and CRM) can view basic booking information, including the client company, booking duration, time allocation, and the project manager.

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