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Advanced Filters

Use advanced filtering in Productive to quickly sift through your data.

Updated over a week ago

In Productive, locating specific data is a breeze with the application of advanced filters. These filters enable you to set precise parameters, ensuring you get exactly what you're looking for.

After setting up a custom filter combination, simply save it as a view for future use. Here is more on setting up and using views in Productive.

Conditional Filtering

Throughout the app, you can employ various conditions to narrow down the displayed data. For numerical values, utilize filters such as:

  • Equal to ( = )

  • Not equal to ( ≠ )

  • Greater than ( > )

  • Less than ( < )

  • Greater or equal to ( ≥ )

  • Less or equal to ( ≤ )

Similarly, for general terms, you can use filters like equal to ( = ) or not equal to ( ≠ ).

For example, combining the "Equal to" and "Greater than" filters allows you to find budgets with the status set to open and a total exceeding $5000.

If you're looking for a task or budget but can't recall the name, text filters can come in handy:

  • Contains ( ∋ )

  • Does not contain ( ∌ )

Using the "Contains" filter assists you in locating a budget that includes the word "password".

To look for a set (or not set) value, use filters like:

  • Is not empty ( o )

  • Is empty ( ∅ )

Including the "Is empty" filter allows you to identify all the companies without zip code information.

Relationship Filtering

With relationship filtering, quickly discover data connected to your primary filter.

Filtering through projects offers data linked to companies, as projects are done for specific companies (clients).

Filtering through tasks allows you to utilize parameters from the associated project.

Inbox Filters

Can't find a notification? Use the filters in your Notification inbox.

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