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Fiscal Year

Customize your reporting periods with the Fiscal Year feature in Productive, allowing filters and grouping by fiscal year or quarter.

Updated over 3 months ago

The Fiscal Year feature in Productive allows you to customize your reporting periods, enabling you to filter and group data by your organization’s specific fiscal year, which may differ from the calendar year.

Enabling the Fiscal year feature is available on the Professional and Ultimate subscription plans.

Problems Solved by the Fiscal Year Feature

The Fiscal Year feature addresses several key reporting challenges:

  • Aligning with Non-Calendar Fiscal Years:
    Many organizations have a fiscal year that doesn’t match the calendar year. For example, if your fiscal year runs from June 1st to May 31st, you can now customize the start date so reports align with the correct periods.

  • Tracking Financials Over Custom Fiscal Periods:
    Organizations that track their financials by fiscal year can now filter reports with options like "Fiscal Year/Quarter to Date" to monitor monthly revenue, budgeting, and projections based on the custom fiscal calendar.

Enabling the Fiscal Year Feature

To activate and configure the Fiscal Year feature, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings:
    Go to Settings > General.

  2. Enable Fiscal Year Option:
    In the General settings, you’ll find an option to enable the Fiscal Year feature. You can toggle this option on or off, depending on whether you need to use fiscal years in your reports.

  3. Select Fiscal Year Start Date:
    After enabling the Fiscal Year feature, you can choose the start date for your fiscal year.
    This option gives you flexibility to match your fiscal calendar, which may not align with the standard January-December calendar year.

Using the Fiscal Year Filters and Grouping

Once the Fiscal Year is set up, you can use it for filtering and grouping your data. Here’s how:

  1. Filter by Fiscal Quarter or Fiscal Year:
    When viewing a report, you can now filter the Date data by fiscal year or fiscal quarter. This ensures that your reports reflect the correct time periods based on your organization’s fiscal calendar.

  2. Group Data by Fiscal Year or Fiscal Quarter:
    You can also group Date data by fiscal year or fiscal quarter to see how tasks, revenue, or other metrics align with your fiscal periods.

  3. Use Filters Across the Platform:
    You can use the fiscal year filters across Productive—simply start typing "Fiscal" in the Date filter and grouping options.

Important Notes

Fallback When Disabled

If you disable the Fiscal Year feature or downgrade to a plan that doesn’t include it, any saved reports will default to the calendar year, and grouping will be based on calendar years instead of fiscal years.

Access and Permissions

  • The ability to enable or disable the Fiscal Year feature is restricted to users with the system Admin permission set or users with the custom Administrate organization permissions.

  • Once set up by an admin, all users in the organization will be able to view and use the fiscal year filters.

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