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Currency Settings

Check and adjust your monetary options like default currency, financial numbers precision, and default markup on expenses.

Updated over a week ago

Set up and edit your currency settings in General Settings. Go to Settings > General and scroll down to the Currency section.

The items you can arrange are:

Exchange rate provider - The default exchange rate provider is Open Exchange Rates, in cases when using dual currencies.

For example, when the budget currency is different from the default currency, the invoices from that budget will show in both currencies, based on the Exchange rate provider.

Also, this comes into action when you are for example creating a report with budgets in different currencies. You can mouse over an amount to get the amount in your default currency, plus you will also get the total sum of all line items in your default currency. In the screenshot below, the default currency is $.

In case the exchange rate provider is not set up, please contact us directly via in-app chat.

Default currency

You can choose and set up the default currency from the dropdown list. This default currency will always be displayed on your documents.

Financial numbers precision

Set up the precision of the financial numbers by choosing the decimal places from the dropdown. You can set it up to 2, 3, 4, or 5 decimal places.

This setting affects the following numeric fields:

  • Quantity on invoice line items

  • Quantity on budget services

  • Quantity on rate cards

  • Quantity on deal section services

  • Taxes on documents

Default markup on expenses

Set up the default markup on expenses by entering the percentage that will be applied as a default markup.

When you set everything up hit the Save button at the bottom of the Currency section.

If you wish to see a bit more about General Settings, check out the article:

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