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Custom Invoicing Permissions

Control invoicing access in Productive using the Permission Builder—customize who can create, finalize, and manage invoices and payments.

Updated over a week ago

Productive’s Permission Builder lets you customize permission sets to match the roles and responsibilities within your organization—including invoicing and payments.

By defining granular permissions, you can control who creates invoices, who finalizes them, and who handles payments, ensuring that each team member has the right level of access.

Custom permission sets are available on the Ultimate subscription plan.

Defining Invoicing Roles in Your Organization

When setting up permissions, consider who in your team handles different invoicing tasks.

You likely already have roles such as Project Managers, Account Managers, or Finance team members—adjust their permission sets based on their responsibilities.

Here are three key roles to consider when assigning invoicing permissions:

  • Invoice Preparer – Creates draft invoices but does not finalize them.

  • Invoicer – Finalizes and sends invoices. Typically, Project Managers or Account Managers.

  • Accounting Contact – Transfers invoices to the accounting system. Usually part of Finance or Accounting teams.

Invoicing Permissions Breakdown

Permissions for invoices and payments are granular, allowing organizations to tailor access based on responsibilities.

Invoice Permissions

View invoices where a user is a member on a budget (required for all invoice permissions).
View all invoices (global view).
Add, edit, and delete draft invoices (create drafts but do not finalize them).
Finalize draft invoices, edit, and delete finalized invoices (approve, send, and manage finalized invoices).
Copy invoices to an accounting system (transfer invoices to an integrated accounting tool).

Payment Permissions

View and send payment reminders (access reminders tab and send reminders).
Add, edit, and delete Payment Reminder Templates (manage company-wide reminder templates).
View payments (see payments but not modify them).
Add, edit, and delete payments (record and adjust payments).

Example: Structuring Invoicing Permissions

Project Managers (Invoice Preparers)

✔ View invoices where a user is a member on a budget
✔ Add, edit, and delete draft invoices
✔ View Payments (if they need visibility into incoming payments)

A user with these permissions can:

  • Create and edit draft invoice details (issue date, due date, bill-to and from information, tax rates, and discounts).

  • Adjust line items and select document templates.

  • Add subscribers, notes, and invoice custom fields.

  • Check draft invoice history in the feed and, if enabled, view payments.

🚫 They won’t be able to finalize or send invoices (these options will be grayed out for them).

Finance Team / Account Managers (Invoicers)

Includes Invoice Preparer permissions plus:

✔ View all invoices
✔ Finalize draft invoices, edit, and delete finalized invoices
✔ Add, edit, and delete payments

A user with these permissions can:

  • Review, adjust, and finalize all invoices.

  • Send invoices directly from Productive.

  • Record full or partial payments.

  • Write off invoices if needed.

Accounting / Finance Team (Accounting Contact)

Includes Invoice Preparer and Invoicer permissions plus:

✔ Copy invoices to an accounting system
✔ View and send payment reminders
✔ Add, edit, and delete Payment Reminder Templates

A user with full invoicing and payment permissions can:

  • Oversee invoice transfers and reminders.

  • Manage payment reminder templates.

  • Send invoices from Productive to the integrated accounting system.​

Note: If someone needs to copy invoices to an external accounting tool but doesn’t manage integration settings, they only need Copy Invoices to Accounting System, not broader integration permissions.

Default (System) Permission Sets

By default, Admins, full-access Managers and Profitability Managers have all invoicing and payment permissions enabled.

Restricted Managers and Profitability Managers can access and manage invoices and payments for budgets they’ve been assigned to.

To customize access, use the Permission Builder to create a custom permission set and assign it to users. This ensures that only the right team members can handle invoicing and payments.

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