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Managing and Applying Scenarios to Deals and Budgets
Managing and Applying Scenarios to Deals and Budgets

Learn how to edit, apply, and update scenarios in Productive. Simulate changes to deals, budgets, and bookings for ultimate flexibility.

Updated over 2 months ago

What Are Scenarios?

Scenarios let you test service adjustments, team allocations, and bookings without impacting live data until you're ready to commit to the plan.

Once you've created and finalized one, you can refine and apply it to your deals, budgets, and the Resource Planner.

Key Details Covered in This Article

  • Editing an Existing Scenario

  • Applying a Scenario to Deals or Budgets

Editing an Existing Scenario

1. Open Your Scenario

Navigate to the Scenarios tab in your budget or deal and select the scenario you want to edit.

Tip: You can also duplicate your scenario by selecting Duplicate from the three-dot menu to the right, which will also copy over any allocated resources and bookings to the new scenario.

This way, you can quickly make small adjustments without needing to re-add all team members and their bookings.

2. Add, Edit, or Duplicate Services

  • Add new services or update existing ones.

  • Use the three-dot menu to duplicate or delete services.
    Tip: Duplicating a service won’t copy team assignments or bookings to the new service.

3. Update Bookings

  • List View: Expand booking options using the + icon to adjust allocations.

  • Timeline View: Visualize availability and adjust bookings directly on the timeline.

Applying a Scenario

1. Click "Apply Scenario"

Select Apply Scenario at the top right of the screen, available bot in the scenario list and timeline views, to define how the scenario will affect your deal or budget.

2. Choose Between Updating and Overriding

  • Override Existing Data:

    • Replace all current services with the scenario’s settings.

    • If selected, remove previous Resource Planner bookings and replace them with scenario bookings.

    • Optionally, mark scenario bookings as Confirmed instead of Tentative.

    • If they exist, this will delete any previously logged time entries, bookings, and expenses.
      If you delete a service by mistake, you can always find the deleted items in the Recycle Bin and restore them if necessary.

  • Update Services:

    • Keep existing services and bookings, and add new ones from the scenario.

    • If needed, add new bookings to the Resource Planner. Optionally, mark scenario bookings as Confirmed instead of Tentative.

  • Important to Note:
    While building your scenario, you can add team members and book them for services even if they haven’t been previously added to the deal or budget sharing options. However, these team members won’t be able to track time against those services until they are added to the deal or budget after the scenario is applied.

    In a scenario, Eugene Lewis was assigned to the Acme Deal and booked for a service.
    After applying the scenario, the booking was added to the Resource Planner, but his time allocation still shows "0 days." To finalize the booking and enable Eugene to track his time for the deal, you’ll need to manually add him to the deal.

3. Map Placeholders to Real Users

If your scenario includes temporary placeholders, assign them to specific team members.
​Example: Replace "QA Placeholder" with "Jane Doe (QA Specialist)."

Good to Know:

  • Placeholders set up in Settings > Resourcing > Placeholders are available both in Scenario Builder and for resourcing when applying the scenario.

  • Temporary placeholders created directly in a scenario only exist within that scenario and must be assigned to a user when applying the scenario.

Updating Applied Scenarios

When a scenario changes after it’s been applied, choose:

  1. Overwrite Everything
    Replace all live data with the updated scenario.

  2. Update Specific Changes
    Apply only the new or modified services/bookings.
    Example: Add a QA phase to your scenario, then apply just that change without altering existing allocations.

Key Tips

  • Use Override carefully to avoid deleting essential data.

  • Compare the live timeline to the applied scenario before confirming changes.

  • Look for Tentative Booking Indicators to differentiate them from confirmed bookings.


Now you’re ready to edit and apply scenarios to your deals and budgets!

Scenarios provide flexibility to adjust budgets and refine schedules without compromising live data until your plans are finalized.

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