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Using Pulse to Automate Your Reports
Using Pulse to Automate Your Reports

Receive reports directly in your Email inbox on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis.

Updated over 7 months ago

With Pulse, you can automatically receive your favorite reports from Reports on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.

Pulse can also include additional recipients, so everyone you select will get the report alongside you.

Sending Pulse reports is available on the Ultimate subscription plan.

How to Create a Pulse

1) Select Your Report

Go to Reports and choose the report you want to include in your Pulse. This can be either a public or private report.

2) Add a Pulse

Open the report and click the Bell 🔔 icon in the upper right corner of your screen.

3) Define Your Pulse Settings

A window will appear where you can set the following options for your Pulse:

  • Frequency: Choose how often you want the Pulse to be sent—daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. For non-daily Pulses, specify the day (e.g., the first Monday of every month) and the exact time.

  • Don't Send Pulse: If enabled, Pulse won't be sent if there is no data in that particular report, so you can avoid spamming your inbox.

  • Export Format: Select the format (PDF, CSV, XLS), orientation (Portrait, Landscape), and page size (A4, A3, Letter).

  • How: Receive the Pulse in your email inbox or Slack.

  • Additional Recipients: Enter the emails of anyone else who should receive the Pulse or choose from the dropdown menu under Also send to.

Note: The Pulse will be sent based on the timezone you’ve set in Settings > General. A daily Pulse will also be sent on weekends and other non-working days.

4) Test Your Pulse

After configuring your Pulse, you can send a test version to ensure everything is set up correctly.

5) Save Your Pulse

Once you’ve verified the test Pulse, select Save Pulse to activate it. The Bell 🔔 icon will turn blue, indicating that the Pulse is active.

Tip: You can create additional Pulses for the same report if needed (e.g., a weekly Pulse and a monthly one for different recipients).

Example Use Cases

Here are some practical examples of how HR and Project Management teams can benefit from using Pulses:

  • HR / Operations: Who is out this week

    Create a weekly Pulse to see who is out of the office this week. Go to Reports, create a report from scratch using the Bookings data source, and set filters for date (this week) and booking type (time off).

  • Project Management: Tasks closed last week

    Set up a weekly Pulse to track tasks completed in the previous week. Create a report using the Tasks data source, apply the filter for tasks closed (last week), and schedule your Pulse accordingly.

How to Delete the Pulse

If you no longer need to receive a particular report as a Pulse, follow these steps to remove it:

  • Select the Report
    The reports with Pulses set up will have a bell icon helping you find them quicker.

    Tip: If you want to add another layer of organization for your Pulses, add a "Pulse" category to your report to find them quickly.

  • Open Pulse Settings
    Click on the bell icon in the upper right. From there, click on the bin icon in the lower right.

  • Confirm your Choice

    Select "Yes, delete it" to remove the Pulse. This just removes the Pulse, not the report itself.

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